Welcome to our Maker Space – a place where knowledge comes alive through hands-on exploration and creativity.This workshop space isn't just about crafting; it's a living library and archive fueled by the collective wisdom of the community, where publishing is the common language, the analogue meets the digital and ideas flow freely. Where ink meets paper, eyes meet screens, we meet each other.
Here, you'll find a community eager to exchange and mediate knowledge, offering endless opportunities to explore, create, and share.
Curated by Leona Fritsche, Nina Prader & Risofort
On Saturday, publishers host a vibrant spectrum of workshops for the public community, showcasing and trading their various skill sets. Learn how to make a zine pizza, map a neighborhood, write a poem, print with the mysterious risograph printer.
On Sunday, we celebrate the printed and digital matters created throughout Indiecon through the lens of the library. Library Sunday is the day we collect, exhibit, and share the creations from the workshops and events during the fair. Including pop up exhibitions and a zine hour to gather and share library experiences for zine librarians and everybody else.
The publication and exhibition "Stell dir vor” (Imagine...) faces fears of the future. Climate change, space travel, and mental health bring us to the question: How can we have a positive impact on our future and more importantly how could our future look like?
Different students designed zines that show us a positiv outlook. From cotton candy to cats tied to threads, the zines are the end nodes of a network of thoughts, ideas, and associations about the future.
Institut für Buchgestaltung (IFB), Bielefeld