Objet Papier

Objet Papier

We gives graphic and literacy free hand to artists who are interested in bypassing traditional paper edition. Currently trying to bypass the digital standardization.

Events by this exhibitor

  • Objet Papier presents: Generative Artzines

    Roundtable Roundtable Space
    Generative ARTZINES is the final outcome of the research project started in 2015 by artist publisher and researcher Antoine Lefebvre about fanzine culture. He worked in collaboration with the Objet Papier collective t...
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      A manifesto of non-photography exoticizing reality, which takes on its full meaning once compiled, all colors mixed.
      • Generative Artzines
      • Generative Artzines

      Generative Artzines

      Final outcome of the ARTZINES research project lead by Antoine Lefebvre since 2015. Each publication will be unique.


      17 artists deliver their definition of performance through two angles: body and motor.