Neue Narrative

Neue Narrative

At Neue Narrative, there is no editor-in-chief, no hierarchy and no job-titles. We work self-organised and share ownership of our organisation. We produce three magazines per year in which we examine the subject of work through different themes. Each issue provides constructive journalism and hands-on tools to enable our readers to improve their workplace and our economy.

Events by this exhibitor

  • Sustainable and regenerative practices in publishing

    Roundtable Roundtable Space
    The publishing industry has a massive environmental impact, but very few steps are being taken to tackle this problem. Unfortunately, simply printing on recycled paper is not the solution (it could actually make thing...
    Read more
      • NN18: Sprache
      • NN18: Sprache
      • NN18: Sprache
      • NN18: Sprache

      NN18: Sprache

      Wir müssen reden! Wie können wir Sprache einsetzen, um Organisationen zu verändern, so dass alle mitreden können?
      • NN19: Fokus
      • NN19: Fokus
      • NN19: Fokus
      • NN19: Fokus

      NN19: Fokus

      Wie schaffen wir es, bei der zunehmenden Komplexität des Arbeitsalltags das Wesentliche nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren?
      • NN20: Lernen
      • NN20: Lernen
      • NN20: Lernen
      • NN20: Lernen

      NN20: Lernen

      Man (ver)lernt nie aus. Wie schaffen wir Raum für lebenslanges Lernen im vollen Arbeitsalltag?