TERAZ Verlag

TERAZ Verlag

The small publishing house TERAZ Verlag, founded by Halina and Moritz Simon (Mother and son) focuses on the translation and showcasing of polish literature and art from the early 20th century.

  • Website
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Active since: 2021
    • Der Bazillus
    • Der Bazillus

    Der Bazillus

    A mysterious Bacteria that consumes all the gold in the world and turns the global economy upside down. From the year 1929.
    • Der Grüne Luftballon (Das literarische Kabarett in Krakau)
    • Der Grüne Luftballon (Das literarische Kabarett in Krakau)
    • Der Grüne Luftballon (Das literarische Kabarett in Krakau)

    Der Grüne Luftballon (Das literarische Kabarett in Krakau)

    The book includes drawings and poems from the first polish cabaret „Der grüne Luftballon“ which was active between 1905 – 1912.