Loving literature and fighting for representation in one publishing house: Literarische Diverse Verlag makes space for marginalized voices in books and magazines. Together we stand for an intersectional, anti-racist and tolerant society. We use the written word for self-empowerment.
Ọlaide Frank — Dunkelkalt
Ọlaide writes about identity, vulnerability and loss. She takes us on a journey full of longing, love and confidence. -
Magazin #5 — Traum
#5 is all about dreams. With: Duygu Ağal, Sophie E. Agho, Kalsoumy Balde, Arad Dabiri, Nele Müller, Lilo Yamamoto & many more. -
Your Homeland Is Our Nightmare — An Antifascist Essay Collection
This book is a manifesto against Heimat. In fourteen personal essays, contemporary authors provide insight on their daily lives.