Shift Books

Shift Books

SHIFT BOOKS publishes and designs unique and inspiring books. All our artbooks, exhibition catalogues, artists' books and magazines are produced sustainably according to the highest quality and environmental standards. #proudtoprintvegan

    • Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen
    • Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen
    • Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen
    • Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen

    Von Kartoffelrosen und brennenden Baumkronen

    A photographic dialogue during the Corona pandemic with notes, thoughts, memories and dreams – March 2020 to May 2021.
    • grenzenlos
    • grenzenlos
    • grenzenlos
    • grenzenlos


    A Bookazine with diverse and intersectional views and voices of BIPOC – essayistic and scientific texts, poems and photographs.