Punta Lara ediciones

Punta Lara ediciones

“Punta Lara ediciones” is a publishing house specialized in photography. It began its activity in 2018 in La Plata, AR. Now is based in Arnhem, NL. The publications emphasize documentary photography, typologies and collecting. Books, fanzines, postcards and posters.

    • Carteles en la ciudad de La Plata by Mariel Uncal Scotti
    • Carteles en la ciudad de La Plata by Mariel Uncal Scotti
    • Carteles en la ciudad de La Plata by Mariel Uncal Scotti

    Carteles en la ciudad de La Plata by Mariel Uncal Scotti

    Mariel Uncle Scotti proposes a tour around La Plata looking for street billboards. Artisan propaganda that survived over time.

    • PIZZERIAS The Netherlands  2020/2021 by Candelo
    • PIZZERIAS The Netherlands  2020/2021 by Candelo
    • PIZZERIAS The Netherlands  2020/2021 by Candelo
    • PIZZERIAS The Netherlands  2020/2021 by Candelo

    PIZZERIAS The Netherlands 2020/2021 by Candelo

    Pizzerias in The Netherlands is a register in more than 15 cities of the country between 2020 and 2021.

    • The cars already knew by Luis Abadi
    • The cars already knew by Luis Abadi
    • The cars already knew by Luis Abadi
    • The cars already knew by Luis Abadi

    The cars already knew by Luis Abadi

    Abadi invites us to imagine that the cars will disappear. Photos of the near past of Buenos Aires, Argentina.