Edition Nautilus

Edition Nautilus

Edition Nautilus is an independent publishing house founded in 1974 in Hamburg. We publish fiction (Isabel Fargo Cole, Shumona Sinha), crime novels (Jérôme Leroy, Matthias Wittekindt), biographies (Emma Goldman, Che Guevara), political essays (Laurie Penny, Mithu Sanyal, Timo Daum) and art books.

  • Lena Müller: Restlöcher

    Lena Müller: Restlöcher

    A debut novel about love and freedom, duty and longing – and about what is left.
  • Milo Probst: Für einen Umweltschutz der 99%

    Milo Probst: Für einen Umweltschutz der 99%

    An exploration into the past that points towards a future of increased climate justice.
  • Mona Chollet: Hexen – Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen

    Mona Chollet: Hexen – Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen

    The witch is not only a powerful and influential image but also a symbol of female emancipation.