Visiting Indiecon is free! You can drop by casually and enjoy the fair and all public programming. If you want to dive in deep, treat yourself to a trade visitor’s ticket to take part in workshops and roundtables.

Indiecon 2025 will take place Sep 5-7 2025.
Friday, Sept 5: 3pm – 7pm
Saturday, Sept 6: 11am – 7pm
Sunday, Sept 7: 11am – 5pm
Please note there will be additional programming for exhibitors and trade visitors outside of this timeframe.
Trade Visitor's Ticket
The Trade Visitor’s Ticket allows you access to Indiecon programme usually limited to exhibitors. This includes opportunities to get to know each other as well as workshops, roundtables and expert talks. You will find more info and all ticket options in our shop next year. If you want to get a notice as soon as tickets are available, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Indiecon takes place at Gleishalle Oberhafen, Stockmeyerstr. 43 in 20457 Hamburg. It is the train hall of a former freight yard run as a non-profit open space by an association of tenants.

Code of Conduct
At Indiecon, we aim to foster a diverse and peaceful publishing community. To make this vision come to life, we defined some guidelines about how we want to interact and communicate with each other. Please take the time to get familiar with our Code of Conduct.
The trade fair venue Gleishalle is accessible for wheelchair users. A barrier-free bathroom is also available. If you have any specific questions about accessibility, please contact us!