Publishing Memes

Print is dead. And so is the internet–A space once fancied for its accessible publishing potential. In the ever-evolving landscape of the web, memes have emerged as a rapid form of cultural expression and communication. However, the same speed that allows memes to spread widely also contributes to their ephemerality. Everyone can publish a meme, but a meme that goes viral is often quickly forgotten.
Together, we want to talk about the ephemerality of the internet and discuss the pros and cons of online publications. We will reflect on our thoughts and feelings through memes, by setting them in stone, printing and therefore preserving them outside the internet. We will share our outcome offline, exhibited for other visitors at the indiecon 2024. Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of memes, ephemerality, and the significance of print, as we seek to understand and immortalize the rapidly shifting currents of digital culture.
Location: Silent Space
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: English
Requirements: Laptop or Smartphone equipped with your preferred editing software